Friday, January 26, 2007

The BIG Move

I can not beileve it

Were moving and we are putting the house up on the market this Sunday and I can not wait until we sell are house and we move.

we have been packing,cleaning,and throwing out stuff this whole entire week. And I think it is really cool to know that we are moving and are going to live in a new house.

Friday, January 19, 2007

What I am doing in School

It's been a while since I have blogged so I thought that I would catch everyone up on what I am doing in school.

For math we are doing a work book.

For grammar we are also doing a work book and playing part of speech bingo and we are playing the card game more roots.

For science we are reading a book on Astronomy.

for history we are reading about Ancient Egypt.

We are learning about money in a book but everyone has the biggest and heads and the heads are in like a perfect.

I am also taking Violin lessons and also taking Scottish dance lessons.