Volcanoes and Mudslides
This week I am learning about Volcanoes and Mudslides it is very fun and also very sad learning about how many people were killed like when Mount St. Helens erupted in 1980 how fifty seven people were killed.
And in Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted and 1991 how more than seven hundred people were killed by ash flows,mud flows, and by diseases caused by poisonous ash. It would be scary having a volcano erupt on you, and it would be scary having a mudslide fall on you.
Some volcanoes are usful because the volcanic lava soil that contains minerals that is good for plants and alot of other types of farming. Like rice is planted from that type of soil in Bali, Indonesia.
And the awful gasses can cause acid rain. The ash from Kitazungurwa volcano has burnt, killed, and cut down many trees in Zaire.
The volcanic ash and dust can make beautiful sunsets in the air.Fuji is an extinct volano in japan.
There is rock outside the volcano called the crater and then there is lava layers that have cooled into a montain shape, and then there is a vents which are little slits in a volcano,and then there is layers of rock, and then below the rock there is magma which when it gets to much pressure it pops out and there is ash fall and there is hot ash that we call lava.
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